Why you need to be a pure coder

In this article, I will explain to you why you need to be a pure coder, and what it means to be a coder. I would also talk about website builders. Examples are Mobirise, Nicepage, and WordPress among other great website builders. Personally, I have used most of them before and they are quite wonderful software. Especially to folks with no coding background, these builders can come in very handy. But if you are reading this article and you have the love of coding flowing in your veins, learn why you need to be more of coding than depending solely on website builders.

Who is a coder?

A coder, short for "computer coder" or "software coder," is a person who writes or creates computer programs or software. Coding involves using programming languages, such as Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript, to write instructions that a computer can understand and execute.

Coders are responsible for translating human ideas or requirements into a form that a computer can process. They write lines of code that define the logic and behavior of software applications, websites, mobile apps, or other computer programs. Coders typically work on development teams, collaborating with designers, project managers, and other professionals to create functional and efficient software solutions.

Coders require a strong grasp of programming principles, algorithms, and data structures. They should possess proficiency in at least one programming language and often utilize integrated development environments (IDEs) and other tools to write, debug, and test their code. In addition, coders need problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and logical and analytical thinking skills.

The tasks performed by coders can differ based on their specific role and the industry they work in. They might create new software from scratch, modify existing code to introduce new functionalities or fix issues, optimize code for improved performance, or focus on specific components or modules within larger software projects.

What is a website builder and its limitations?

A website builder is a tool or platform that enables individuals or businesses to create and design websites without the need for extensive coding or technical knowledge. Website builders provide a user-friendly interface and a range of pre-designed templates and features, allowing users to customize the look and functionality of their websites easily. 

Below are some downsides of using website builders, but I will be explaining this so you know why you need to learn pure coding, by learning a programming language to be able to develop applications yourself.

Limited Customization

While website builders offer a variety of templates and customization options, they often have limitations in terms of design flexibility. Users may encounter restrictions when trying to achieve a unique or highly customized website layout or functionality.

Lack of Scalability

Website builders are typically suitable for building small to medium-sized websites. If you anticipate your website to grow significantly in terms of content, traffic, or complex features, you may find that a website builder becomes restrictive. It may be challenging to scale up your website's functionality or accommodate advanced requirements.

Limited Control

Since website builders operate within predefined frameworks, users may have limited control over the underlying code and technical aspects of the website. This can be a disadvantage for those who require deep customization or have specific technical requirements.

Dependency on the Provider

When using a website builder, you rely on the provider's platform and infrastructure. If the provider goes out of business, makes significant changes to their platform, or discontinues support, it could affect the availability and functionality of your website.

Potential Performance and Speed Limitations

Website builders often come with pre-built features and templates that may include unnecessary code or design elements. This can impact the website's performance and loading speed, which is crucial for user experience and search engine optimization (SEO).

Cost Considerations

While website builders can be cost-effective initially, they often come with subscription fees, additional charges for advanced features or customization, or limitations on storage and bandwidth. Over time, these costs can accumulate, especially if you require additional functionality.

Why do you need to learn the computer language?

Choosing to become a pure coder, as opposed to relying solely on website builders, offers several advantages and opportunities. Here are some reasons why you might consider becoming a pure coder:

Greater Customization

Coding skills allow you to have complete control over the design, functionality, and user experience of your website. You can create unique and tailored solutions that align precisely with your vision and requirements, without being limited by the templates and predefined features offered by website builders.

Advanced Functionality

By coding from scratch, you have the flexibility to incorporate complex features and functionalities into your website. You can integrate third-party APIs, create interactive elements, optimize performance, and implement specific business logic that may not be readily available through website builders.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

As your website grows, being a pure coder provides the ability to scale and adapt your website to changing needs. You have the freedom to optimize code, add new features, and optimize performance, ensuring your website remains efficient, secure, and compatible with evolving technologies.

Career Opportunities

Becoming a skilled coder opens up a wide range of career opportunities in the technology industry. From web development and software engineering to mobile app development and data science, coding skills are in high demand. By honing your coding skills, you can pursue various job roles or even work as a freelance developer, offering your services to clients.

Problem-Solving Skills

Coding requires logical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills. By becoming a pure coder, you develop a mindset that allows you to approach complex challenges, break them down into manageable pieces, and find creative solutions. These skills are valuable not only in web development but also in many other areas of life and work.

Understanding the Underlying Technology

By delving into coding, you gain a deeper understanding of how websites and applications function at a fundamental level. This knowledge helps you troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and make informed decisions about technologies and frameworks to use. It also enhances your ability to collaborate effectively with other developers and technical professionals. It's important to note that website builders can still be useful tools, especially for rapid prototyping, simple websites, or when time and resources are limited. However, by investing in becoming a pure coder, you gain the ability to create sophisticated, highly customized, and scalable solutions that align precisely with your needs and aspirations.

A blend of the two approaches

Blending the use of website builders and pure coding can bring several benefits to a coder. Here are some advantages of combining these approaches:

Time Efficiency

Website builders offer pre-designed templates and ready-to-use features that can expedite the website development process. By leveraging these tools, a pure coder can quickly create a basic structure or layout for their website. This saves time, allowing them to focus more on coding custom functionalities and advanced features.

User-Friendly Interface

Website builders often provide intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to create and edit content visually. By using a website builder for content management and basic design elements, a pure coder can simplify the website maintenance process for non-technical users or clients who may need to update content regularly.

Design Inspiration and Guidelines

Website builders often offer a wide range of professionally designed templates and layouts. Pure coders can use these templates as a starting point or a source of design inspiration. Website builders can provide valuable insights into effective UI/UX design practices, helping pure coders create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

Rapid Prototyping

Website builders allow for quick prototyping and testing of ideas. A pure coder can use a website builder to create a basic prototype, gather feedback, and validate the concept before investing significant time and effort into coding a fully customized solution. This iterative process can help refine the requirements and identify potential challenges early on.

Flexibility and Customization

By combining website builders with pure coding, a coder can achieve a balance between convenience and customization. They can use the website builder to handle non-technical aspects such as content management or basic design, while reserving coding for implementing complex features, custom functionality, and optimization.

Collaboration and Client Satisfaction

Many clients or team members may prefer the ease of use and visual editing capabilities offered by website builders. By incorporating these tools into the development process, a pure coder can collaborate effectively, iterate quickly, and ensure client satisfaction by providing them with accessible tools to manage their website content.

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By blending the use of website builders and pure coding, a coder can harness the advantages of both approaches. They can leverage the speed, convenience, and design options provided by website builders while also utilizing their coding skills to create unique, tailored solutions, advanced functionality, and scalability. This hybrid approach allows for greater flexibility, efficiency, and an enhanced user experience.



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