"In times of emotional trauma, your codes cannot give you comfort it will take real people around you to help you." (Mark Anthony Graham)
Being healthy is a broader concept that includes your physiology, psychology, sociology, spirituality, or basically your totality of well-being. But in this article, I would settle on "keeping a healthy social life as a coder". As it stands human beings were created to be social beings, we love to be loved and we also love to be around people who love Us.
As coders or software engineers, we should not be deceived by the nature of our work to avoid people. I really do understand this because the work we do can literally make us very busy every day. I must admit that not all developers are extremely busy some have a well-balanced life. But when you have a hard time with your social life as a coder, you are in the right place😊.
What do you need to do?
Keep in touch with family
Keeping in touch with family, I mean to say your real family. If mum, dad and siblings are around do well to keep them in touch, calling them after work hours especially if you have been poor at this. Married folks should do well to get time and attention to wife and children. Being noted as a successful coder or software developer whilst you have a broken home is not good.
As a successful coder it good to have a peaceful and loving home. Getting time for your children and looking through their assignments and taking them out would help strengthen the bond between you guys. Just know that you cannot sacrifies family over your career as that would be selfish of you.
Join coding communities
There are many coding communities and forums available online that you can join. This will allow you to connect with other coders who share similar interests and challenges. You can share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. Here are some examples:
1. GitHub: GitHub is the world's largest coding community, where developers can collaborate on open source projects, share code, and learn from each other.
2. Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is a Q&A platform where developers can ask and answer technical questions. It's a great resource for troubleshooting and learning from others in the community.
3. Reddit's programming subreddits: Reddit has a variety of programming subreddits, where developers can connect with each other, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.
4. CodePen: CodePen is a social development environment for front-end developers, where users can showcase their work, collaborate on projects, and learn from others in the community.
5. Hashnode: Hashnode is a community platform for software developers, where users can publish articles, ask and answer questions, and connect with other developers.
6. Dev.to: Dev.to is a platform for developers to share their knowledge and experiences with others in the community. It's a great resource for learning new skills and connecting with like-minded individuals.
7. Discord channels: Discord has many programming communities where developers can connect with each other and collaborate on projects. Some examples include the Programming Discussions server and the r/learnprogramming Discord.
These are just a few examples of the many coding communities available online. Be sure to explore your options and find the ones that best suit your interests and needs.
Attend conferences and meetups
Attend conferences and meetups related to your field. This is a great opportunity to network and meet other coders in person. Remaining in the confines of your home or office may not expose you to the different kinds of people and opportunities you could encounter. You will also learn alot from such conferences.
Participate in hackathons
Participating in hackathons is a great way to meet other coders and work together on a project. This can also help you develop your skills and learn new things.
Volunteer for tech-related events
Volunteer for tech-related events in your community. This will allow you to give back to the community while also meeting other coders.
Take breaks and socialize with colleagues
Take breaks from coding and socialize with your colleagues. This can be as simple as grabbing lunch or coffee together. This helps you to get to know your teammates better. It is even a good opportunity to build relationships.
Pursue hobbies outside of coding
Pursue hobbies outside of coding that allows you to socialize with others. This could be joining a sports team or a book club. Personally, I love to draw and make some paintings, I also love singing, I spend some time singing with friends, it gives some form of relief from codes.
Coding is good and it can be a very fulfilling job. But it is good to have time for those who love you and have been there for you. It is good to build people, you can do this by even teaching or sharing your experiences as a software developer.
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