Do not reinvent the wheel

Do not Re-invent the Wheel Hello Coder! good to have you on my blog. Today I, would be sharing my knowledge and experience on the topic; why developers should not reinvent the wheel . To anyone who may not understand the meaning of the topic. What it simply means is that, as a programmer do not try to develop systems that has already been developed by others. Whilst other developers may not agree with my point, I would only try to make sense of this argument. Imagine you are developing a regional planning website, and you have to include a map of that region on your website. As a developer, you would have to start from scratch to build this and guess what? You could probably not do it alone, you would need a whole team to build this complex system. You would need coders, designers, database administrators, photographers, even the help of the general public to give you the names of some places in the town. Developing such a system could take years and would consume resources. Me...